Loyal readers are no doubt wondering what happened to last week’s post; I know that many of you plan your week around the sunbursts of appellate goodness that rarely regularly shine forth from these pages.
The short answer is that it’s hiding. Last week I did a guest post at Chris Hill’s blog, Construction Law Musings, about the SCV’s recent opinion in Bennett v. Sage Payment Solutions, Inc.
Bennett is a neat case about whether a defendant can assert repudiation as a defense to breach of contract, even after performance has begun. It’s one of the more important business cases of the past year. (I know that because I am giving a talk on the most important business litigation cases of the past year at the annual VADA meeting, and I saw Bennett in my outline.)
The long answer is pretty much the same, but it includes a prolonged, vaguely self-pitying discourse on how busy I’ve been.
Not that I have any reason to complain. In the past two weeks, I’ve made two entirely stress-free trips to Richmond, both related to oral arguments someone else was giving, and a third trip to Richmond to speak at the Professional Development Conference put on by the Virginia State Bar’s Young Lawyer’s Division.
I had a blast at the PDC and really enjoyed talking to folks afterward. I won’t drop any names (mostly because I don’t want to embarrass anyone by associating them with this page without their express written consent), but that was a real highlight in a jam-packed week.