DRI is holding its Appellate Advocacy Seminar in Orlando on March 10-11. The advance registration deadline is February 18. I’ve never been to the program (and unfortunately I won’t be able to make it this year), but I have heard excellent things about it.
The program looks like will have a good Virginia presence this year.
Senior Justice Lacy will be judging a moot court, and Robert Wise from Bowman & Brooke in Richmond will be moderating a panel on the future of appellate advocacy.
Robert, as those of you on the VADA listserv will recall, is the guy who somehow circulated a same-day summary of the Fourth Circuit’s seventy-page–seventy page?!–en banc magnum opus on removal, Barbour v. International Union.
Barbour reversed the Fourth Circuit’s earlier adoption of the last-served defendant rule in favor of the “McKinney Intermediate Rule,” which says that the first-served defendant must file a notice of removal within thirty days of service, and later-served defendants have to join the notice within thirty days of service on them.
At least, I think that’s what it did. I haven’t had time to read the whole opinion. We hope to have something up about it shortly.
In the meantime, Robert’s summary is funny and readable, so I have to assume that it is accurate.