Our friends at the VLW Blog are reporting that William C. Mims will replace departing Justice Barbara Milano Keenan on the Supreme Court of Virginia. Mims was introduced to a joint meeting of the House and Senate Courts of Justice Committees. Each committee must certify a candidate before that candidate can be considered by the respective houses. Mims was the only person interviewed for the SCV opening, removing any doubt that he would replace Justice Keenan.
A quick Wikipedia check (I don’t pretend to know this stuff) shows that Mims is a Republican who’s served in both the House of Delegates (1992–98) and the Senate (1998–2006). He was Bob McDonnell’s Chief Deputy Attorney General. When McDonnell resigned as Attorney General to campaign for governor in February 2009, the General Assembly picked Mims to finish McDonnell’s term. Mims did not run for a full term as Attorney General.